Branding & Graphic Design – Spirits Packaging

spirits branding packaging design

Salto 37 – Branding & Packaging Design

Spirits Packaging Design - Salto 37 Brazilian Cachaça with Guarana


Salto 37 is a unique blend of Brazilian cachaça & guarana bottled at 37% abv. It is the newest product from the Salto Cachaça Company & stands alongside Salto 39, the pure unflavoured form of cachaça straight from the still. Made from freshly pressed sugar cane juice cachaça is the spirit of Brazil & the heart of a caipirinha, Brazil’s exceptionally delicious and deceptively potent cocktail typically made with crushed fresh lime, ice & cane sugar.

Design Brief:

Whilst carrying all the recognisable hallmarks of a high quality spirits brand, our brief was to create an identity that distinguishes Salto from other spirits categories. Our spirits branding & packaging design had to express the uniqueness of Salto 37 both as a product experience & as a product of Brazil.

Guarana is a softly flavoured sweet berry only found in the Amazon rain forest. The flavour is hugely popular in Brazil as are it’s properties as a natural uplifting source of energy.

The label design links elements of Brazilian provenance, heritage & Amazonian imagery reflecting the source of it’s unique & key ingredients.


A distinctive style of spirits branding & packaging design for a unique & delicious product all the way from Brazil.

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