Structural Design: Style, Efficiency & Cost

Scope for enhanced efficiency usually lies in structural packaging design. From physical design attributes to material usage & specifications. Performance on packing/filling lines to space utilisation throughout distribution to a retailers shelf.

Design & Performance Improvements

  • visual aesthetics, style, handling & shelf life
  • brand identity & message
  • user convenience: ease of opening, portioning, dispensing, reseal

Financial Justification

  • material costs
  • production & distribution efficiency
  • cost savings vs capex

Environmental Objectives

  • constructive material reduction
  • technical light weighting
  • innovative material choices

We survey production operations to understand the flexibility within existing systems which is often more than imagined. Understanding the consequences of change, to production efficiency, implementation costs & capex is the key to success. It adds focus to the design process & avoids time wasted on fanciful non starters.

Our design concepts that can be presented with indicative costs & production rationale. 

click to contact Curve Design